Sunday, March 13, 2011

Commercial Real Estate: Big Trouble, Small Bailout??

Commercial Real Estate: Big Troubles, Small Bailout
Maurna Desmond, 09.04.09, 12:19 PM ET
High-flying financiers are sweating a coming wave of mortgage defaults tied to office and apartments buildings. Unfortunately for them, too big to fail doesn't apply to the $6.5 trillion U.S. commercial real estate market.
Unlike the multitrillion-dollar government intervention launched to keep the American housing market from cratering, Washington has done little to ease a looming crunch on the commercial side. "Housing probably gets more attention because it's a big part of household wealth and, at its peak, it was a much bigger portion of the economy than [commercial] real estate," says Abiel Reinhart, an economist at JP Morgan.
"It's one thing to bailout mom and pops on Main Street but another to bailout these big boys with big paychecks," said Peter Slatin of Real Capital Analytics, referring to the government's multi-pronged effort to help struggling homeowners. "People were trading buildings like trading cards."
The commercial real estate debt market, half mortgage-backed securities and half whole loans, has been virtually frozen since markets seized up in the summer of 2007. The situation will get worse as loans come due and values continue to deteriorate. "This is a drip, drip, drip transfer of ownership, not a flood of properties hitting the market," said Slatin.
California billionaire and Colony Capital Chief Executive Tom Barrack talked with Forbes in July about the struggle for survival in a downturn. "The object of the drill for everyone in commercial real estate--and this is everyone in the world--is just get to the other side of Death Valley. If you can make it to the other side of Death Valley, there's hope." (See "Commercial Real Estate: From Bad To Worse.")
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s Public Private Investment Program (PPIP) was a program supposed to help the sale of illiquid assets by combining private capital with government leverage. But it's not yet off of the ground. The only government lending program now in place is the New York Federal Bank's Term Asset-backed Lending Facility (TALF). This program recently expanded to include bonds backed by commercial mortgage-backed securities, allowing holders of CMBS to refinance their loans into lower interest bonds.
So far, just $2.1 billion has been issued through this program. Larger firms like Vornado, Westfield, DDR and Simon Properties are positioned to complete TALF transactions, according to Stephen Blank, senior fellow at the Urban Land Institute. "I don't think people expect TALF will save the entire industry, but it will jump start the first round of securitizations," says Blank.
Unlike the broad sweep of turmoil caused by the collapse of housing, most of the pain related to commercial real estate will be absorbed by investors and the firms that loaned them money, especially regional banks. Life insurance companies and pension funds like TIAA-CREF, CALPERS and CALSTERS, will also feel the pinch. Private equity funds of all sizes, from the Broadway Partners and Tishman Spier to the Carlyle Group, bought big using leverage, intensifying pain as the rout continues.
Most Americans will feel the impact through diminished municipal tax revenue, hurting funding for schools and other government-funded enterprises. Swaths of empty office buildings also have the potential to blight central business districts.
Industry advocates understand that there is limited sympathy for commercial real estate players and are tailoring their appeals accordingly. "We've been careful not to be painted as an industry looking for a bailout," says Chip Rodgers of the Real Estate Roundtable, a trade group. "TALF is a collateralized loan program. It's not a giveaway."
Others warn that helping stakeholders too much could slow a recovery, risking an American version of Japan's lost decade. "Part of the process is letting lenders and borrowers duke it out," said Tony Thompson, chief executive of Thompson National Properties and former board chairman of Grubb & Ellis. "Some people are gonna die and some are gonna reinvent themselves and some are gonna integrate themselves into the government fabric."
Tough love isn't the only solution. The Real Estate Roundtable estimates some $1 trillion in new capital is needed to restructure the $300 billion to $500 billion loans that need to be refinanced each year for the next eight years. "There is a need for the government to step in and develop a mechanism to bridge the gap. Everybody is still in a holding pattern," said Rodgers.
Of course it's not all bad news. For investors with cash, there will be plenty of opportunities for predatory plays. "There already has been a lot of carnage and there's likely to be a lot more," said Rodgers.

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